Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Much Shorter Post

My last few posts have been pretty long so I'll keep this one short.

The 2007 Dam2Dam (half century) was one of the most enjoyable rides I've done. Maybe because it wasn't nearly as hilly as the Tour de Whidbey which I rode the weekend before. There were no mechanical problems or flats. No overeating or physical ailments. The only thing I can nit pick about was the weather was cooler than the year before.

Three things that make Dam2Dam a great bike tour is the route, organization, and the friendly people. The route is very scenic, low traffic, and not extremely hilly. The break stations are well equipped and the after ride barbecue is awesome! The volunteers and fellow cyclists are always friendly!

The Dam2Dam is a fundraising event to support the Mike Utley Foundation which is dedicated to finding a cure for spinal cord injuries. I am planning on riding again in the 2008 tour and need your help to participate. For those who would like to contribute to the Mike Utley Foundation in my name you can do so by following this link: Please be sure to type Dave DeVere in the rider's name box before you click on the add to shopping cart button. Thanks!!!

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